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Digital loyalty cards have much more opportunities for rewarding your customers


With the development of information technology, automation has become one of the main tools for optimizing any business.  It speeds up business processes, cuts human resource costs, reduces the risk of errors and improves the quality and efficiency of many processes.

The objective of automation is to minimize the manual work of the manager and maximize the effectiveness of the loyalty program by personalizing the offers based on the actions and needs of the individual loyalty card owner. 


Automation capabilities on the Loona platform

The platform allows you to automate various processes of loyalty programs through predefined triggers and perform a series of actions on predefined scenarios and/or on a specific day and time, for example:

• Automatic issuance of digital loyalty cards to current or new customers. Read more in the Marketing section.

• Automatic segmentation of client groups - by gender, age, interests, sizes, discounts, traffic source, etc. Read more in the Targeting section.

• Automatic sending of PUSH notifications at a specific date and time or in connection with a specific event (for example, a seasonal sale).

• Automatic change of variables - design, banner, discount size, etc.

For each action, you can create separate client groups and set the appropriate rules.


Automation via triggers

The trigger in translation from English means "trigger", which actuates a certain system. In our case, the system is updating the information on the map and sending a notification, and the trigger can be an event that is important for your customers or for you, as a business owner.

Each card is a unique scenario. Depending on the cardholder's behavior, this or that trigger set by you works, after which the platform modifies the information on the card and/or notifies the cardholder about the new promotion, personal discount, e, private sale or special offer.

The system provides different variations in customer interaction. We will give only some examples.


Communication with active clients

It’s an undeniable fact that customers should be constantly encouraged and thanked so that they can use your products and/or services with pleasure for as long as possible, and also recommend your company to their friends and acquaintances. A satisfied customer is a key to the success of every business.

Any loyalty program is focused on that point. However, digital loyalty cards have much more opportunities for rewarding your customers. 

Example 1

The client presented a card for a discount. After the card has been scanned, a discount will be made in your system, the information will be automatically updated for this card, after which a notification will be sent to the client about a change in the bonus balance of the card or the size of the discount.

Example 2

A guest came to a restaurant (shop, etc.) and took advantage of a coupon offer. The system automatically deactivates the coupon and notifies the client about that. If the coupon is a regular offer that is offered to regular customers, say once a month, then the customer will also receive an alert that this coupon will become active on the 1st of the next month and your client will be able to use it again.


Communication with passive clients

In any business, the situation when a client regularly used the goods (or services) of the company, and then suddenly stopped - is not something new. In this kind of situation, it is important to remind the client of its existence, to offer him something “tasty”, so that he begins to actively buy your goods again. This technique is often used by online retailers in email newsletters. With Loona digital cards it will be much easier and cheaper to remind the client of your existence.

Example 1

A regular guest of the restaurant did not come more than two weeks. Set up automatic sending of a special offer for such a client - an increased discount, a pleasant “compliment from the chef”, etc. 

Example 2

 You sell goods for babies and pregnant women.  Your client has purchased something for pregnant women and, for example, a dowry for a newborn, after which she doesn’t get anything else for 1-2 months. Set up automatic alerts for such customers about products (discounts, promotions) for 2, 3-month-old baby, etc.


Birthday congratulations

Almost every company, introducing loyalty programs, provides various privileges to customers on their birthday. With the help of digital cards, you can not only congratulate customers automated, increasing their loyalty but also to talk in advance about the privileges on their birthday.

Example 1

7 days before the birthday, the platform will automatically update and notify the loyalty card holder about the privilege on the birthday. Bonus can be a discount on a product, service, or an offer to celebrate a birthday at a discount in your restaurant.

Example 2 

On the birthday, your client will be happy to receive a congratulation from your company with a holiday banner and have the opportunity to enjoy an additional discount for the whole week.


Automation by date and time

In your account, you, as a business owner, can schedule map and auto-notification changes on the calendar by date and time:

Example 1

Congratulate your customers on the holidays - New Year, March 8, February 23, etc. Dividing into groups by gender, you can beautifully congratulate all the ladies on March 8, and send a notification of discounts to young people, inviting them to spend a romantic evening in your establishment.

Example 2

Providing additional discounts in unpopular hours and days of the week, arrange happy hours for your business customers. Thanks to this feature, you can attract an audience to the restaurant at the most unpopular hours, for example, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00.

*Please note that all the scenarios are only examples. The system can be customized according to the logic of your marketing strategy.


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