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With Loona enables to apply all opportunities of targeting technology in a simple way


Targeting is considered as a modern form of advertising mechanism that enables to identify a certain segment from the total mass of potential and/or existing customers which meets the specified traits and send to the targeted audience an advertising message. Translated literally from the English the word “таргетинг” means targeting. The technology has been widely developed with the advent of social networks in our lives, and their mass use has a great impact on promotion of goods and services. And it's no big deal;  it is precisely that social networks use survey mechanisms when registering users, which subsequently are used by marketers and businessmen to identify groups of target audiences that meet certain traits.


Loyalty cards and targeting

In frames of marketing strategy, targeting plays a crucial role in the effective implementation of customer loyalty programs. Congratulations on birthday and holiday greetings, thematic promotions, personal discounts - all these features provide an opportunity to the business owner to create a positive attitude of their customers towards the goods or services that are offered as well as increase the product awareness.

The development of customer loyalty program scheme with Loona enables to apply all opportunities of targeting technology in a simple way. There are detailed customer questionnaire that collects basic information about the user in the system — name, gender, age, date of birth, existence or absence of children and their dates of birth, etc. Besides, Loona loyalty cards can implement geo-targeting and local targeting to identify the location of user due to the installed functions in smart phones, but that’s not all.


Targeting types available on Loona

Targeting by sociodemographic data

Perhaps sociodemographic targeting is the main type of segmentation of groups of target audiences that focuses on the characteristics of consumers, including their gender, age, marital status, salary, nationality, etc. Due to age separation and other characteristics, it will be possible to send messages to customers who will be most interested in the offer and will most likely use it. It is possible to set-up push-notification templates, so you can address each client directly, which undoubtedly will have an influence on increasing the level of customer loyalty.

This type of targeting provides you a unique chance to congratulate your customers, for example, happy  birthday and give them various gifts - discounts, bonuses, rewards etc .; invite women who have children of preschool age to special events for children, etc.

Geo targeting

Geotargeting is type of advertising that involves targeting different users based on their specific geographic location at the current time. The alerts can be set-up for users with an invitation to the place when they are within a radius of no more than 400 meters from you.

For example, you can set up alerts for users who are near the metro stations closest to your place, inviting them to visit your restaurant (shop, beauty salon, car dealership, etc.). Loona system enables you to configure up to 10 geolocation points per layout.


Time targeting

Time targeting is considered as the most interesting type. It is centered around time and focuses on the idea of fitting in around people's everyday lifestyles and invite your customers in specified time. For example, on a business lunch from 12 to 16, to notify about discounts in the beauty salon in the “dead” hours, which are often called “happy hours” for customers, since the maximum discounts are available at this time.

At the same time, can most accurately get to the audience that is interested in your offer by using the sociodemographic data of your customers.

Behavioral and Interest targeting

Nowadays behavioral targeting has emerged as the most promising direction. Its essence is to collect information about the interests and behavior of the user on the basis of coockie files. The answer to the question - how is this technology implemented in the system of loyalty cards is - very simple and fast! Loona empowers you to collect not only personal data of your clients, but also information about their preferences. For example, which dishes are most often ordered by a client in your restaurant, what services in your beauty salon are most often used, etc. You can create personalized offers for your customers based on their preferences and tastes due to these data.

Targeting by traffic source

This type of segmentation will provide you to have an opportunity to get a clear idea of which of the sources of advertising were the most effective. For example, you have chosen several tools for disseminating loyalty cards - contextual advertising, display advertising and advertising on social networks. With the help of deep analytics developed in the Loona system, you will have a possibility to accurately track which source allowed you to distribute the largest number of cards.


Benefits of implementing targeting in customer loyalty programs

Sales promotion

Obviously, the targeting technology implemented within the Loona loyalty system allows you to stimulate sales among your regular customers by using various types of targeting and their connections.

Customer retention

In any business there are customers who have used your services 1-2-3 times and ... disappeared. Could you advise if there is a possibility to “reanimate” these clients? Of course there is! Actually, this technology even has its own name - retargeting, in other words, redirection. As a rule, this technology is applied when a potential client saw your offer, expressed a certain interest, but did not use it. For example, a client received your card, but never bought anything/used services offered by you. Most often in such cases a welcome bonus can be provided, actions limited by time.

Retargeting is also considered an effective tool to return the customer and can successfully used where you need to gently remind the client about your company. Let's say your client went to your restaurant for a business lunch for a month, and then suddenly stopped. You can try to interest him, for example, by new menu, etc.

Attract new customers:

Loona portal enables you to advertise and attract new clients due to the provisioning of all relevant information about your clients that is collected in the user’s personal account. Building a clear picture of your typical client, you will be able to organize an advertising campaign at times more effective than all your previous campaigns.

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